Hello to you, thanks for taking your time reading this page! My name is Washington, and I'm the owner if this website (¡Vaya! Woz) and the main purpose of this space is to share a little of my thoughts, I've written this page only to let you (my visitor) know a little more about me! I've read once when I was seeking for creativity this phrase on Pinterest, and I would like to start talking about me with this:
“Life is unpredictable and you never know what is coming next. Don’t ever get too comfortable. Always be ready to change.”

2014 – Computational and Applied Mathematics on Federal University of Paraíba: (João Pessoa, Brazil)
2016 – Analysis and Software Development on Uninassau: (João Pessoa, Brazil)
2017 – Game development on Positivo University: (Curitiba, Brazil)
2014 – Techtraining: (João Pessoa, Brazil) Hands-on BeagleBoard.
2015 – SESC Educação: (João Pessoa, Brazil) English course B2.
2017 – Positivo University: (Curitiba, Brazil) Game Development Contest Winners with Unity3D Engine.
2019 – Enforex: (Valencia, Spain) Spanish course.
There are others courses that I’ve concluded but aren’t listed here!
2015/2016 – IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics): (João Pessoa, Brazil) Software Developer Intern
This was a great first step on my life, I’ve worked creating an internal system fully developed in Java with OpenCMS 9.5, on this system employees were able to create, analyze and get report of all researches made by the organization.
2017 – Myth Dev: (Valencia, Valencian Community, Spain) CTO and Software Development
2019 – Vibrant Communications Limited: (Hong Kong, Hong Kong) Software Developer
I’m always working and growing, currently dedicated to Myth Dev projects and challenges.
What languages I know?
- C Language: I’ve worked in some projects that the main language was C, also meanwhile I was in the University, I studied a lot using as main language.
- C++ Language: I worked in some other projects with pure C++ for some software converting, I use this language currently on my job.
- C# Language: Currently I use this language with a lot of internal projects in the company that I work. Specially with the .NET Core implementation from Microsoft.
- PHP Language: I worked building some softwares in the past with PHP, now I’m not using this language anymore.
- Assembly: This language is like my soulmate, I feel like I will use this language forever in my life, specially to understand how applications run and how I can protect the softwares that my company build from flaws and hackers.
- ReactJS: I’ve worked building a internal software using this language for front-end service.
- React Native: I’ve worked building an mobile application for a website that has more than 2 millions views monthly.
- SQL and NoSQL: This is something essential currently, basically all my projects have some data base, so I goes with MySQL for relational DB’s and SQLite or CouchDB for non-relational DB’s, depending of its usage.
- HTML/JavaScript/CSS: The basis of the web, if I can say so, I have knowledge on those tools too, creating and updating web views easily.
- Java: I worked in Brazil for IBGE (a governamental company named Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics) and I worked building a internal software that manage and tracks all researches made by the company in the state I lived in.
- Python: A very good language for some specific purposes. (It saves me a lot of time)
Maybe there is more languages I know but I don’t feel that I have enough experience with it and I do prefer to not list, but be sure that I’m ready for any challenge with coding!
Personal Data
- Birthday: 17th March, 1996
- Place of Birth: João Pessoa, Brazil
- Marital Status: Single
- Portuguese: Native speaker.
- English: Advanced proficiency.
- Spanish: Advanced proficiency.
One of my hobbies is to learn new languages, and I love it, I’ve made of English my second language, and, every day I try learn something new for this language (I expect to someday I being able to talk like a native speaker), Also currently I’m learning Spanish, I’ve created this new love in my life.
Additional informations
- I have skills and knowledge in all main operating systems. (Windows, macOS, Linux incl. terminal commands)
- Knowledge in programming languages.
- Knowledge in web-design framework-styled.
- I have a GitHub with some private projects that I’m working with. (Goodbye BitBucket)
- I work in individual and with teams with easy.
- MMORPG Server Development knowledge in C++.
- MMORPG Client Development knowledge in C++.
- Knowledge in some 3D file format like *.x (DirectX File Format), *.obj (Common Object File Format) and others.
And that’s one more thing, if you liked my resume or are interested on my work please feel free to contact me sending an e-mail to [email protected], I would love to hear what’s on your mind!
Best regards, Washington.